Revisit the assessment task outline and make sure you understand it – ask questions if needed in class

Here is the assessment 1 task outline

By week 4, students have decided upon their project.

Write up a one paragraph synopsis of your project (this is working towards the short project summary / artists statement you’ll be submitting alongside your task)

Bring your work in progress to class to workshop with peers and receive feedback

This is your opportunity to also negotiate your submission formats with your tutor.


Assessment 1 : Project (draft)

The Different Perspective of Humanity

The Ideas for this picture:

This picture is described as many aspects of humanity.

Key words: (Perspective of the picture)

1.born – death as humanity

2. rich (famous) – poor / all would be end up in the same way (death)

3. people have different perspective, target of their life in their own way.

(for example, the picture has showed some people walk, some people take a photo etc )

4.  the way of people walking down can explain as the lifetime of humanity.

Another aspect : in-be-tween 

key word

  1. Light side: motivation, meaning of life, survive
  2. Dark side: bad thing, death, suicide, sadness,



WEEK 5 TUTORIAL: (Draft project)

 “Timelapse of Sunrise – Sunset “

CAOS202 image project
In-bet-ween the difference perspective


Key concept of the project:

The concept of this project is about 5 different angle movement during to a period time. This presented the circle of life as the truth in organism “ Born, Live, Death”.

The process of project:

This project process by using 5 cameras to record a video in different angle as a time-lapse. The time-lapse record 2 mainly time, which are 15 minutes before sunrise until morning and 15 minutes before sunset until dark.

My perspective of this project:

In my responded to the existing media artwork, I can recognize the movement of the atmosphere as we can see the different scenario in different part such as, different barrier. This can mentioned that every people have a different perspective even they were staying at the same place.



Group assessment: 

  • The description of the project: (the ideas)

is presenting our dreams to show how the unconscious is unleashed beyond the boundaries of reality.

  • The Phototype: 

The zine will contain portraits of us and our own illustrations. These will be drawn by each group member illustrating our own dreams. The images will be supported by descriptions of the dreams and notable terms/dialogue from the dreams incorporated into the illustrations.


  • My Dream Draft (1): “The Mystery” 



  • the ideas about this: 

my dream is about running through the horror house to help someone that I care or love (family) and when you are in the house, it very difficult to find a way out of that horror house. There are also a lot of blood surrounded me. In the dream when I try to run to escape those ghosts or monsters as fast as I can, but it feels so slow and tired, which it does not even move always from those creepy and they also come closer to you.

  • The image of the house: 

from above Although I can aware that I am dreaming and try to control my mind of that dream, which it makes me feel so real situation. this point could be relevant to the “UNLEASHED’ project, which the edge of the image (the black colour) is showed that we still in our dream, but it feel not a dream at all. This also related to Freud thories arguing that dreams reflect unconscious ideas and feelings unleashed to the conscious our mind. (Mim)


week 11 tutorial:

“SkillShare in class”

My 7 composition and perspective techniques of image shooting.

  1. The rule of thirds:


2. Middle lines:











3. Leading lines:



4. Full ground dept:



5. Frame in general:



6. Trangle composition:



7. Left to right:


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